Please stop.

No this is not an equestrian preparing to hop on his horse. I will let you decide which is the horse. The image here is seen on one of Tyra's latest shows. I have been reading a lot of ghettoness from the Tyra's Show. A few weeks ago, she had some lady junk removed from her trunk, made a lady put mayonnaise all over her face while wearing her bra for $200, and now strutting her moves on a stripper's pole. Is Tyra running out of creative juice? What's in her head? Concentrated dumb juice?

Though I get the vague connection that Tyra is linking these random acts for woman empowerment, but these actions do not scream for women empowerment, it screams for embarrassment. Do you think a real woman would put mayonnaise while wearing her bra as a mark of pride? I would feel like an idiot. Honestly, the only woman that is empowerment women is Lady Gaga.

Speaking of women, Chez taught me a sophisticated word a few weeks ago and I think we should really need to include it in our everyday vocabulary:

Word of the day:
A débutante - defined as a young lady from an aristocratic or upper class family who has reached the age of maturity, and as a new adult, is introduced to society at a formal presentation known as her "début".

Sample Sentence: Tyra is pushing debutantes into the alley of wackness.


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