I do heart New York!

Congratulations to New York  for passing marriage equality.  An amazing achievement and most certainly worthy of a celebration with shiny bells and whistles.  The marriage equality act passed with the tally votes 33 - 29.  I wonder who the 29 party pooper and buzz killer were!!!

I have said this before, this is not about religion, this is not about ego, or an agenda - this is justice and equality - there should really be no agenda to set forth to achieve equality.  Sadly our justice and equality is not granted but earned.  Well done NY.  I think this achievement will be a strong wave to push our country toward marriage equality.  Also - let's refrain from using gay marriage, because marriage is marriage, we don't say straight marriage so we should not segregate ourselves from the crowd.

Come on home state California - let's get thing ball going already!

Image source: 

Sowwie? Do you buy it?


If you missed the news recently, let me provide a short recap.  Comedian, Tracy Morgan, pulled anti-gay jokes at his show in Nashville, Tenn on June 3, 2011.  Morgan mentioned that if his son is gay or does not talk like a man, as if Morgan speaks like a man (questionable statement here), then he would stab his son to death.  According to Morgan at that time, it was just a funny haha joke that led to a world tour of I am sorry.  Do you really buy it?

This brings me back to a valuable lesson that Thumper's father taught him in the movie Bambi.  I have provided the source for you below:

Perhaps Morgan missed this lesson from his father.  The concept of being nice seems quite a challenge, I am still upset at his hateful remark... can you forgive and really forget?  Or can you forget and really forgive?

These two in the wild ...


So sexy Jake will join the sexy Bear in a nature rendezvous.  The adventurous Jake mentioned that nature is all about "discovery" which led him to partake in this outing.  The only thing I want to discover is seeing these two strip down and wrestle in nature followed by some ass fucking.  Am I wrong to assume this?  I honestly don't know who will presume the coveted bottom position.  This one is a close call, I really can't decide.  If Jake had the same look as October Sky, then he would definitely be the bottom - but with that rugged carpet on his face - I really don't know and it is too late for me to analyze.  I just want these two to do it like they do it on the discovery channel (thank you to the Offsprings for such meaningful lyrics.) 

While Jake wants to discover nature offering, sexy Bear said something about nature being revealing:
The wild is always very revealing - not only physically but mentally. You’ve got to smile when it’s driving horizontal hail and be able to face your fears and just get on and do it - and on both of those accounts, Jake came up strong
I want nature to reveal the naked bodies of these two by forcing strong pressure winds that will cause them to lose their physical and mental state.  "You've got to smile" is exactly I will do while wetting my panties.  And Jake came up strong?  Does that mean that he is still hard after some fucking?  Bear needs to be specific because I have so many questions.

With that said, I will watch this episode and just picture these two forking and spooning each other away.